Cathartic Hard Rock infused with 60's Psychedelia and Esoteric Mysticism

Original Music by Canadian Songwriters, These Raven Skies

“By removing the rules of we have to sound this way, they (These Raven Skies) have given themselves the freedom to create and be more imaginative in their style. This is refreshing and yet old-fashioned, as that is exactly what musicians were doing at the end of the 1960s and early 1970s. Certainly something that will engage people’s attention…”
Lisa Nash, Cryptic Rock Magazine

New Album ``SOUL ON FIRE`` is NOW Available!!!

Grab Your Copy Today!



“Meet These Raven Skies! Watch out for this outstanding Canadian band on tour with the Rockstar UPROAR Festival this summer. Check them out in my Sixx Pick.”
– Nikki Sixx, Sixx Sense Radio